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Seo-gu, Gwangju City
Active and touching administration to make Seo-gu a desirable and happy place
Man-gwi jeong 3 pavilions erected like the island across 2 ponds located in the Seha village.
Mt. Geumdang The mountain surrounding the Pungam district, stands at a height of 300m like the folding screen.
Pungam Lake The surrounding landscape has been filled with the fresh energy of nature as this lake has been considered to the pupil of the eye for the sky to look at Gwangju.
Seochang Field Sunset It is the attraction that the illusion is drawn with this beautiful name named by attaching the Sunset to the Seochang Field only.
Yongdu-dong Dolmen Yongdu-dong is the name started from the topography here as the head of dragon.
Yang-dong Market The whole area of Yang-dong Market was the field of reeds until 110 years ago.
The Ma-ae Buddha Statue of Un-cheon Temple The Ma-ae Buddha Statue of Un-cheon Temple with the size of approximate 2m is the statue of the Buddha of stone Buddhist image of Goryeo Dynasty, has been managed by designating it as the tangible cultural asset No. 4 of Gwangju City from 1974.
5.18 Memorial Park 5.18 Memorial Park settled in the place of old Sangmu Force is a piece of island created in the downtown.